I missed my ride :

No refund will be processed if you miss your ride. It will be considered as a No-Show.

Driver did not come : 

Tap on the conversation icon ( )in your App and share the booking Id with our customer support team along with your query in detail. The issue will be dealt on priority and a refund will be initiated immediately from our end.

Driver did not reach on decided time so I had to opt for another option : 

Tap on the conversation icon ( ) in your App and type the booking Id with our customer support team along with your query in detail. The issue will be dealt on priority and a refund will be arranged immediately. You are also advised to rate the driver as per the experience,this will help you and others in future.

**Below are the screenshots which will help you to find the booking id and the conversation icon in the app.

Conversation Icon: Menu > Customer Support > Support


(Please do not tap on the above image)

Order / Booking Id: Menu > My Rides

(Please do not tap on the above image)